About Sliding Scale
In an attempt to make growing food accessible to as many people as possible, Atplanta operates on a sliding scale basis.
Below, we give you a few ways to think about how much to contribute for the gardening services and products we offer.

$0-25 an hour
I have very little expendable income.*
I have little to no savings.
I have debt that gets in the way of meeting my basic needs.

$25-$50 an hour
I have some expendable income.*
I have some savings.
I have some stress about meeting basic needs, but regularly achieve them.

$50-$75 an hour
I have significant expendable income.*
I have a comfortable retirement plan.
I have a significant financial safety net.
*Expendable income might include spending on things like restaurants, coffee shops, movies, concerts, new clothes.
How it works:
We charge all customers the cost of materials + a flexible hourly labor rate of $0-$75 an hour.
We encourage anyone for whom money is a barrier at all to take advantage of the sliding scale, paying as little as just the material costs if necessary (and if the materials themselves are inaccessible, there are always ways to creatively design a garden with the budget you have!).
We encourage those with abundant financial resources to pay closer to the full rate to make projects accessible to others. This arrangement lets us pay our bills, while bringing more gardens to more people.